1509 Government Street
The Heart of Mid City, Then And Now
In 1916, on the corner of 15th and Government Street, the Baton Rouge Electric and Gas Company began constructing a power plant that would forever change the city of Baton Rouge — from a small agriculture town of rural character, to a city flourishing with industry—nearly overnight.
The power plant at 1509 Government Street — built nearly a century ago and now, as you may have guessed, the site of the Electric Depot—brought electric power to thousands of families for the very first time; it powered the city’s first electric streetcar; and ultimately, helped catapult Louisiana’s Capital City into an era of growth and transformation.
Today, the historic site represents the continued the growth of our culture, its commonalities and our celebrated sense of community. Apartments, local businesses, restaurants and retailers—each reflecting Mid-City’s diverse and eclectic community—came together to create a socially engaging space where everyone, from all walks of life, can enjoy themselves in a casual and collaborative environment.
Walk beneath the grand brick masonry, gaze up at the exposed industrial steel, gleaming in the natural light, or take in some fresh air on a beautiful moonlit night. When you arrive at the Electric Depot, know that the experiences that await have the power to bring us all a little bit closer—to each other and the eclectic spirit and storied past of Baton Rouge.

Electric Depot was designed by architects, DNA Workshop